5. Healthcare Innovation & Implementation: Jessica Chao - Director @ UCSF Clinical Innovation Center


Guest: Jessica Chao (@JessicaHChao) - Director of the Clinical Innovation Center @ UCSF

Host: Jimmy Qian (@JimmyJQian)

Jessica Chao is the Director of the Clinical Innovation Center at UCSF, where she oversees operations and leads partnerships with industry and academia. She is an investor at Iterative VC and has over 15 years of experience as an operator in health services and med tech management. Previously, she has led product design in various San Francisco startups and co-founded Healtho, a consumer health information company. She is also the co-founder of one of the largest health meetups in Seattle, the Seattle Health Innovators. Jessica received her MBA from the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School while she concurrently completed her Residency in Health System Pharmacy Administration at Johns Hopkins Medicine. She also holds a Doctorate in Pharmacy and BS in Biochemistry from the University of Washington. 


  • The disconnect between innovation and implementation within large healthcare systems

  • Solutions to solve the implementation and execution issue; how startups should approach pilots

  • Common mistakes made by startups while trying to understand customer needs or sell into large health systems

  • How COVID-19 has accelerated both innovation and implementation, and what this means for the future

  • Practical advice for startups for partnering with/selling to healthcare systems

Thank you for listening!

BIOS (@BIOS_Community) unites a community of Life Science innovators dedicated to driving patient impact. Alix Ventures (@AlixVentures) is a San Francisco based venture capital firm supporting early stage Life Science startups engineering biology to create radical advances in human health.

Music: Danger Storm by Kevin MacLeod (link & license


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6. Computational Biology: Nan Li - Managing Director @ Obvious Ventures


4. Accelerating Life Sciences: Tony Kulesa - Co-Founder @ Petri